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Retailer Resources

To aid your search for the next big idea, NACDS offers an array of resources that will make your Total Store Expo experience efficient and powerful.

Market Exchange

Discover what’s NOW, NEW, and NEXT in retail! See the latest innovations from exhibitors on NACDS’ digital marketplace. Connect with exhibitors and schedule appointments to maximize your show experience.

Coming Soon

Learn how to leverage the Market Exchange

Marketing Toolkit

Engage the supplier community and meet with cross-functional teams at the largest gathering of chains and suppliers in the drugstore industry by promoting your participation at Total Store Expo.


A custom view of the exhibiting companies most relevant to your categories.

Coming Soon

Collaborative Meeting Agenda

Developing your meeting agenda with your trading partners will ensure you are addressing the most compelling topics with the right decision-makers and influencers in the meeting. NACDS has created the Collaborative Agenda template for companies to use with their trading partners to co-create the agenda.

Made in USA

Supplier companies who have indicated that they have one or more products that qualify under FTC regulations as “Made in USA.”

Supplier Diversity

Companies indicating they have a Supplier Diversity Program working to incorporate minority-owned and/or women-owned and operated businesses into their network.

Now New Next An abstract representation with rectangles and text that spells out "Now New Next"

2025 NACDS
Total Store Expo

August 23-25, 2025

San Diego, CA

Register for TSE 2025! Don’t be left out of the biggest, most productive drug, food, and mass market event of the year!