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Sara Roszak

Senior Vice President, Health and Wellness Strategy and Policy and President of NACDS Foundation


Dr. Sara Roszak serves as Senior Vice President of Health and Wellness Strategy and Policy for the National Association of Chain Drug Stores (NACDS) where she leads COVID-19 response efforts, advocates for the expansion of pharmacy care services and other policies, and advances innovative health and wellness solutions. Separately, she serves as President of the NACDS Foundation, a charitable organization that aims to improve the health and wellness of people in America through enhanced engagement in groundbreaking research and educational initiatives that benefit patients, improve outcomes, and advance public health. Prior to joining NACDS and the NACDS Foundation in 2014, she held positions at non-profits and in government, including on a congressional and then presidential commission working for former U.S. Senator Bob Graham. In 2019, she earned a doctorate in public health from the University of North Carolina (UNC) at Chapel Hill and has earned a MPH and MA in international affairs the George Washington University.